Time To Start Your Art

Hello, welcome to my website.
I'm Sue Trusler an artist and author, passionate about art – and about sharing my passion with the world. Encouraging everyone, to start their own creative journey.
I have written and illustrated two books: Time To Start Your Art published in November 2021 inspiring people to start their own art journey, and The Art Family, published in September 2022 encouraging children to be creative.

The Art Family

Time To Start Your Art

Time To Start Your Art

Find out more about my first book, Time To Start Your Art

The Art Family

The Art Family

Read about my children's art book The Art Family

About Sue

Sue Trusler

Find out a little bit more about the author Sue Trusler

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I have written and illustrated two books: Time To Start Your Art published in November 2021, and The Art Family published in September 2022. Both a recommended read with The Leisure Painter magazine.

The Art Family

The Art Family

The Art Family was first created for a library art workshop, to introduce young children to basic lines and colours, using fun examples, to promote creativity.The six family members all represent a different style of line: Smooth, Wobbly, Dash, Spiky, Curly and Dot. Spiky likes to paint big dinosaurs and small hedgehogs. They each have their own favourite things to create. Introducing the magic primary colours, clear illustrations show how purple, green and orange can be made.The Art Family then collaborate to create a series of paintings, ranging from the seaside to butterflies, mountains and woolly jumpers. Once the lines and colours have been mastered, there are suggested ideas to create Art Family Pets, Houses along with a range of activities.Created for 5 to 7 year-olds with adult guidance, it is also suitable for 7 to 9 year-olds to promote creative art ideas. An endless range of new Art Family members can be created with one specific style or by mixing different lines. The Art Family members are full of fun and easy for children to relate to!

Reviews of The Art Family

Stefanie Lillie, author and grandmother
This book is perfect for parents of young children to start encouraging creativity in a fun and easily understandable way. All children love to draw and this book really helps them develop their artistic skills, they are going to love the Art Family characters and making magic colours.
Rachael Trask, author
This is a terrific book for young children to learn the very basics of art and begin their creative journey. A handy section for adults is included with plenty of ideas to encourage and develop children’s creativity. Definitely one for my little grandkids!

Sharon Sanders, transformation consultant, education and learning
This book is fun. An excellent way to get children excited about creating their own art. The vibrant colours, fun illustrations and easy to follow instructions make this a must have. Inspiring creativity is the gift of this book.

Time To Start Your Art

Time To Start Your Art

I started to paint quite late on in life, after a full time career, with our children finishing University it was suddenly time to retire. Always up for a new challenge, with no knowledge of how to paint, I decided to try painting canal art roses on our little narrowboat. I became hooked on painting, progressing to watercolour art, my excitement grew. So many styles and techniques to be explored.I painted holly and ivy, which led to having my own Christmas cards printed, designed cushions, entered competitions, joined an Art Group, had my art in exhibitions and articles published in magazines.From a quirk of fate that started me painting canal art, I have had so much enjoyment from art, I decided to write a book, _Time To Start Your Art_. I would love to encourage people to start to paint or draw. I am not an art expert, I am someone who stumbled upon art by chance. However, I have learnt so much that I would like to share my experiences. Hoping that some readers will be inspired enough to start their own Art journey.As the book progresses you will see real pictures of my first wobbly sketches of a jam jar, evolving to a drawing of a National Trust mansion. All but two of the pictures in my book are of my own artwork, to show what can be achieved by someone just like you! Be inspired, there is no better time than the present to Start Your Art!

Reviews of Time To Start Your Art

Mrs P ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Delightful Read
Time to start your art is a delightful read for anyone who is considering taking up an artistic hobby. The author provides an interesting insight into her artistic journey with advice and tips for beginners, which are both useful and informative. She also reassures that, although not everything will go right first time, with perseverance, one can enjoy and benefit from taking part in many forms of artistic endeavour. Accompanied by numerous pictures and photos, the book is a delight to read.
Anon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Art for Everyone
I love this book. It is really inspiring and great read for anyone who has an interest in Art but doesn't know where to start. It has been bought for a family member who has just started an Art degree in her 50s and I am sure she will love it too as she makes her own journey into the creative world.
Mrs Sharon L Saunders ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Inspiring
This book is a delight from start to finish. Full of stories about the authors journey with Art, the writing style is engaging. This combined with illustrations makes you want to paint. I have now ordered paint and paper and I will Start my Art in 2022. Thanks to Sue Trusler for inspiring me
Mrs D F Daniels ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Real Treat
What an inspirational book! A real treat full of tips and encouragement.
As Sue says once you have entered the world of art a cornucopia of delights await you.

Hannah Powell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I defy anyone to read it and not want to pick up a pencil or paintbrush!
Such a lovely read, and I defy anyone to read it and not want to pick up a pencil or paintbrush! Sue has an encouraging and gentle tone, and her hints and tips will be super helpful. I have attended numerous art classes over the years, and am often guilty of coming back enthused, buying all the kit and then not doing anything with it. This book gives me renewed hope that there will be a time when I can come back to art and explore it in more depth
Stef ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Great Book
This is a very enjoyable book to read and very motivational. The author writes about their own journey and gives tips and ideas on how to get started. Her illustrations are beautiful. Definitely recommend this book to everyone looking for a new hobby.
Hazel Usher-Jones ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Inspirational
What an absolute delight this book is. So encouraging in an informal way. I feel I am with her on her journey into art. I find I want to read more of Sue's daily life, it is so interesting. To teach herself to paint and try different mediums with such great results is deserving of applause. This book has got me back into my arty side of life after a lull of a few years. But not only that Sue, with this book, has got me so excited about trying different mediums and style and to actually start painting. I so loved this book I want to read it again and again, not just for the learning to paint but her everyday style of writing. So interesting and inspirational.

Order Time To Start Your Art Now

A limited number of paperbacks are available to buy directly from this website.You can order your signed paperback for £9.99 (including UK postage) right now using the ‘Pay Now’ button below.You’ll be taken to a secure page operated by our trusted payments partner Stripe.com and returned to this site after your payment.If in any doubt, just Contact Me.

Time To Start Your Art

Order The Art Family Now

A limited number of paperbacks with a bonus art card, are available to buy directly from this website. You can pre-order your signed copy for £8.49 (£6.99 plus £1.50 UK p&p) right now using the ‘Pay Now’ button below.You’ll be taken to a secure page operated by our trusted payments partner Stripe.com and returned to this site after your payment.If in any doubt, just Contact Me.

The Art Family

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Thank you for your order!You should now receive an email confirmation.Your copy will be posted in the next few days.If you have any queries then please Contact Me.

Order Received

Thank you for your order!You should now receive an email confirmation.Your copy will be posted in the next few days.If you have any queries then please Contact Me.

About Sue Trusler

I'm Sue and I grew up in the Victorian seaside town of Penarth. Marrying Bob, we moved to Cardiff and had two children. After 37 years in finance I retired and we decided to buy a small narrowboat. I loved the old traditional artwork and wanted to have our doors decorated with roses. There were options to buy vinyl transfers, but no one was available to actually paint our doors.Although I have never studied art, I decided to try painting them myself, as I had a very clear picture in my head of what I wanted them to look like. This is where my art journey began, in retirement. My creativity has previously included making fancy dress costumes, decorating birthday cakes in the form of fairy tale castles, chocolate boxes, giant teddy bears to name just a few.I have enjoyed making themed photo books with flowers, buildings and old family photos. I started to learn the piano when I retired, something I had wanted to do for a long time, to link in with my love of classical music.After a busy career and looking after our children, I am enjoying time to be creative and try new things which keep me really busy.My first book Time to Start Your Art was published in November 2021, and in September 2022 my second book The Art Family was released!

Sue Trusler


New York Digital Exhibition June 2024


This summer, I am pleased to have three artworks in the Artist Talk Digital Exhibition in Times Square in New York.Arty Owl from the cover of Time To Start Your Art will be in Times Square on 22nd June along with a new piece called Simplicity which can be seen here advertising the exhibition.On the 24th June another new artwork Silhouette will be exhibited. I have become quite captivated by the outlines created by trees during winter.All three pieces of art will be part of the Artist Talk Book, showcasing the Summer 2024 NYC Digital Exhibition.

Celebrating International Women’s Day


For several few years, I have been fortunate to have my art displayed in two separate exhibitions to celebrate International Women’s Day.This year for the Art Central Gallery Exhibition, I painted a scene called Violet Winter using a very limited palette to portray the beauty of bare trees on a cold still day.For the Llanover Hall Exhibition I was inspired by seeing a scan of our first grandchild. It encouraged me to try out the technique of painting in acrylic, then once dry covering the whole piece with permanent black ink. Once dry the paper is then washed and some very distinctive marks begin to appear. This was a perfect process for New Life.

New Cushion Design


The latest Wraptious competition was limited to one entry, so I decided to step away from my usual preference for shades of turquoise and purple and venture into a much darker place, but still focusing on my love of nature.The result was quite exciting, showing that it's good to step out of your comfort zone.


W.I. Christmas Fayre


After giving an inspirational author talk in the summer, to Birchgrove W.I., I was invited to join their Christmas Fayre.Having just finished my Penarth Calendar, I decided to create a Christmas Advent Calendar for children to colour in which then led to designing some Christmas cards for young ones to colour.I also couldn't resist creating a few extra cards, to add to my range of original art cards.

Exclusive Calendar


During the summer months, I spent time sketching in readiness for producing the Penarth 2024 Calendar.I always enjoy a challenge and it was really rewarding to see my art evolve into a completed PDF file, ready for printing.It's nice to know people will be enjoying the scenes throughout 2024.



Pleased to be supporting this year's Charity Auction hosted by Ben Rogers Jones from BBC's Bargain Hunt.A great fundraiser that allows access to art for all, at a range of prices.


Creative Communities


As part of a local community project I have been partnered with different artists to create collaborative works.These pieces are then being exhibited in several local hospitals to promote wellbeing for both patients and visitors.This has been great fun, completing art work in stages and posting to another artist via a library network, for further stages to be added.

Womens Arts Association Wales AUTUMN EXHIBITION


I love hats on other people but never feel comfortable wearing one myself. Apart from school uniform, a brownie beret and various sunhats, I’ve managed to avoid wearing hats. However, as our daughter was getting married, I felt it just “hat” to be done.My self portrait has been inspired by the wonderful day I had, wearing a hat. Not just any hat, “The Blue Hat” that elevated me to the role of Mother of the Bride.My representation is a sketched self portrait, with the only colour being the blue of my hat, highlighting its importance on that very special day, when I was Mother of The Bride.

The Blue Hat

Canal Art Workshops


Having great fun, running Canal Art Workshops for adults, who have little or no previous art experience. Although some participants have been a little nervous at the start, everyone has finished the sessions with a unique wooden heart decorated in canal art roses. Love inspiring people to be creative."Never thought I would achieve anything but I did. As did everyone else.""Your simple techniques showed us all what to do / made a lot of ladies very happy. Thank you so much."These pictures are the first ever canal art roses from some of the workshop participants.

Canal Art Workshops
Canal Art Workshops

Penarth Cliff Top Artists


Really pleased to be part of the Cliff Top Artists open air Art Exhibition, celebrating their 50th Year. In chapter 7 of Time To Start Your Art, I had a vision of exhibiting my art here, which has now become a reality.Nearing the end of the exhibition, I didn’t want the experience to just finish. I wanted to become part of it, to improve my art and one day proudly exhibit my flowers and animals. Nervous of showing my lack of knowledge, I had only murmured words of appreciation and pleasantries with the artists. Reaching the final display, my inner voice was shouting, these are nice people, just ask them how they became part of this, don’t let the opportunity pass you by. To my relief, the last artist was about my age and gave me a warming smile, as I admired her paintings. Deep breath, the words were found at last, to ask how she had become involved with all these fabulous artists, displaying her work. The response was so much more than I could ever have expected. Of all the artists I could have spoken to, Jilly was actually the organiser of “The Cliff Top Painters”. Her enthusiasm for art was contagious and soon we were having a great conversation about the Holiday Festival Art Display.Not only do I have my own hanging space, I was able to wear my New York, Times Square Digital Exhibition t-shirt.

Cliff Top Artists
Cliff Top Artists

New York, New York, New York!


I am excited to say that Artist Talk Magazine will be showcasing THREE pieces of my art, in their Digital Exhibition in NYC - Times Square  on 22nd June 2023.Day Dream is my main work and has also been made into a promotional poster.Tense Confusion is a little out of my comfort zone with two faces, depending on how it's viewed.The Art Family have been so much fun, I thought they deserved to have a moment up in lights.Artist Talk are producing a book of the exhibition, which will include all three works and mention both books, Time To Start Your Art and The Art Family.

Greeting Cards Commission


I am really pleased to have been asked to create a series 24 floral themed greeting cards. These are now on sale in my home town Penarth, where I used to purchase my school stationary supplies as a child.

Greeting Cards

If you're interesting in commissioning me for for cards, book illustrations and bespoke artwork, just get in touch.

Greeting Cards

Inspirational Guest Speaker


I have a series of author and artist talks arranged throughout the year. Inspiring people, with my art journey, encouraging them to find their own creative path. I was recently given a warm welcome from Martin Bowmer. the Commodore at Barry Yacht Club.

Yacht Club

Women's Arts Association Autumn Exhibition


The Womens Arts Association Wales has a theme of "Inspired By Them" for its Autumn Exhibition.My entry Butterflies has been based around the botanical art of Maria Sibylla Merian, born in 1647.Maria's attention to detail and the precision of her work is quite remarkable.It is very inspirational to look at her work as modern prints, created from her original books.

Autumn Exhibition

Art Family Cushions


Having created their own book, The Art Family decided to jump onto some cushions!These unique designs are available for a limited period, directly from Wraptious:Sue Trusler Wraptious Autumn 2022


Library Workshop for Halloween


There were lots of scary bats and spiders at Penarth Library for Halloween.Following the success of the first Art Family Children's Workshop, the Halloween event was oversubscribed with a reserve waiting list.All the children had a great time and were super productive with their art.

Halloween Workshop

Leisure Painter Magazine


The Art Family have been chosen as one of the recommended books in Leisure Painter's "What To Read This Month" section.With a reference to Time To Start Your Art, it is a great achievement to have both books mentioned in the UK's best-selling 'Learn-To-Paint' magazine.

Leisure Painter

My Art at Turner House Gallery


I'm excited to have two pieces of art on display at Turner House Gallery in Penarth. A very interesting exhibition. Great to have achieved this in the place where I grew up.I also still have art at Foxy's Deli during August, so I'm feeling really happy!

Turner House

Breaking News – Book Number 2 on its way!


When I was asked to prepare a children's art workshop, I decided I needed a theme, and came up with The Art Family: Smooth, Curly, Dash, Dot, Curly and Spiky. They're characters that represent different ways of making marks in art, and explain about art in a simple, fun, child-friendly way.This then took on a life of its own and snowballed into a whole book project!So I am delighted to announce that my second book The Art Family will be released in the autumn by Choir Press.More details to follow! Exciting!

The Art Family

Children's Art Workshop


Time To Start Your Art

I had a lovely time on Monday running an art workshop for 5-7 year olds in Penarth Library. I was asked to run the workshop after I had given a talk at the library on my art journey and writing Time To Start Your Art.I decided I needed a theme and I came up with The Art Family: a set of characters called Smooth, Curly, Dash, Dot, Curly and Spiky. The idea was to create to teach young children different art marks/ lines that they can identify with – gender neutral, all different shapes and at the end they collaborate to make different pictures. It was great interactive fun.And preparing for this workshop led to an exciting new development that I will tell you more about in a few days!

Art at Foxy's in Penarth


I'm excited to be asked to exhibit my art at Foxy's Deli & Cafe in Penarth, the traditional Victorian seaside town where I grew up, and features in Time To Start Your Art.Foxy's is well established, having been part of the local community for over 20 years. My art work will be on display from 19th July to the end of August.

From Canal Art Roses in Wales, to a Dandelion in New York


Dandelion Dream in New York

Artist Talk magazine added to the fantastic history of Times Square, by showcasing art digitally on Broadway Plaza, located above one of Times Square’s main pedestrian plazas.
This exciting exhibition took place on Thursday 23rd June 2022, showcasing a range of work from 69 incredible artists.
So excited to be part of this amazing event, taking my art across the pond right next to the Nasdaq building!

Wraptious Competition results


Dandelion Series

To complement My Dandelion Dream, which will be on display in Times Square, I added four more pieces of artwork to create a Dandelion Series.These were entered into the latest Wraptious Competition and are available to purchase as vegan suede cushions, framed prints or canvas prints.There were 4,338 entries from which were selected 12 finalists. A further 75 artists came really close and deserved a Special Mention.I am very pleased to say that I was one of those 75, who received a Special Mention, which places me in the Top 2% of All Entrants. Thank you for your support!If you'd like to browse or buy my products on Wraptious, use the link below until 4th July. Use the code SMILE15 when checking out, and it should apply a discount (possible limited period).https://www.wraptious.com/collections/spring-2022-submissions-by-sue-trusler

My Art on Show in... New York City!


My art journey continues with the amazing, if slightly surreal, news that in June my art will be included in a public digital exhibition in Times Square in New York City!It's on Thursday 23rd June and I'll hopefully be able to share a webcam link to see it live on the day 😁Life certainly has been intetesting since I started to paint our narrowboat...!

Artist Talk Digital Exhibition New York

Book Review in The Leisure Painter


I was surprised but honoured and super-excited to see my book Time to Start Your Art reviewed in the illustrious The Leisure Painter magazine!The review is in the latest edition of the magazine, published on 18th March.The review closes with the kind words "Sue is passionate about painting and the sense of fulfilment this new hobby has given her. This book shares that experience with us in the hope that it will inspire you to give painting a go too." – which is exactly what I wanted the book to do!

The Leisure Painter review

My Artwork in an Exhibition


My artwork Dandelion Daze is being exhibited as part of the annual Women's Arts Association Wales celebration of International Women's Day 2022.With over 70 diverse pieces of art, the exhibition is open throughout March at Art Central in Barry, closing on 1st April.

Art Central International Women's Day exhibition

Pen to Paper Press Podcast


I've been interviewed on a podcast!The lovely Cindy Kochis from Pen to Paper Press Podcast chatted to me for about an hour, and you can hear it all by clicking this link:Pen to Paper Press Podcast Episode #50

Pen to Paper Press Podcast

Welcome to my Website!


I'm Sue Trusler and this is my website to share my artwork and to promote the book I wrote about my art journey, Time to Start Your Art.The book is out in November 2021 but you can pre-order directly from this site, and get thebook at the special pre-launch price of £8.99 instead of the regular price of £9.99.

Time to Start Your Art



Commissions undertaken for cards, book illustrations and bespoke artwork.
Please message me via the Contact page.


Commissions undertaken for cards, book illustrations and bespoke artwork.
Please message me via the Contact Page.


If you would like to contact me about Inspirational Author Talks, Creative Workshops or Artwork, please use the message form below.

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